State of Mind – Finding Flow

The flow state is one of maximum motivation and achievement. It’s the human condition to face challenges and overcome them.  But how do we do that when we are constantly bombarded with sensory and information overload?  Breaking down tasks into goals and knocking them out one at a time can alleviate the feeling of too much to do and not enough time to get it all done.  It can also assist with the occasional panic attack or stress overload.

The simplest way to achieve flow is to get into the habit of setting goals. There’s abundant evidence that successful people are goal-setters.  Start with small goals and once achieved reward yourself.  That’s right. You deserve a piece of chocolate. You deserve a walk outside. You deserve any simple, little reward that brings you joy, but does not allow laziness, to raise your vibrational level.  It’s a form of using the positive endorphins in your brain to make you more motivated; to push toward the next goal, and the next, and so on.

When facing a challenge use positive affirmations to help with your state of mind.  If you immediately feel yourself shut down when faced with opposition, then you are internally telling yourself you can’t do it.  Clear your mind of that old habit, because that’s what it is, a habit; and a bad one at that.  Take a deep breath, look at the challenge (whatever it may be) with a softened gaze, and let you mind to blank.  Tell yourself there’s a way around this, it can be done and overcome, and you will plow through and embrace the glory that awaits you at the end.

This may sound silly, but it really does work.  Your state of mind flow will kick in as you tackle the challenge or work that you have to do. You’re good at what you do.  You really do enjoy what you do.  It’s about doing what you love and loving what you do.  It’s intrinsic; it’s a state of mind. When you do your best – when you achieve peak performance – it will feel delightfully effortless.  You’ll be like a feather on a warm breeze, going with the flow.